Thursday, 10 October 2013

Great Day in Sungai Sedim, Kulim Kedah!

In our course PPISMP PJ semester 3, one of the things that we have to learn is about how to organize a recreation camp.

So, this camp we decided to do in Singai Sedim, Kulim Kedah. The organizing chairperson is Looi Hong Inn, and for this camp, I'm the person in charge of safety... =3=

Well, luckily I don't need to worry much because we have the Rapid Fire, professional rescue team in Sungai Sedim! So I can have a good enjoyment in this recreation camp~ ^0^

Now here is the photos throughout the 3 days 2 nights recreation camp in Sungai Sedim!

Here we are~ Sungai Sedim, Kulim Kedah. 

This is the boy's dorm. 
And this is the girl's dorm.
 Fun time with crew from Rapid Fire Sungai Sedim.

 We are Ready~ XD

 Water Confident... (I know I look like nut..) =_=''

 Water Rafting~ Best Ever!

This is my look with a helmet on...
River Boarding~ (Stuck with rockie~)
Leech! (The greatest rival!!)

I got fish! XD
(Opps.. It a mermaid I think~)
I love Nature~ Sungai Sedim is the Best! 
 Blind Trail.. Sounds fun but...

 We ended up with mud...

Fun time~ 

 I really enjoy the days in Sungai Sedim, you will feel like all your burden has gone.
Gazing at the rain, hear the sound of the river flow and the orchestra made by insects and animals...
10 points out of 10 points!
Recreation camp~ Rock it!


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